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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 2839-2851

Cosmic Bianchi Type-V Model With Jerk And R-S Parameters Under Gravity Of f(R,T) Type

Dr. Uday Raj Singh, Rahul Kumar.


General Bianchi-V space time anisotropy was investigated in this study using f(R,T) gravity. We utilize a period changing deceleration boundary to track down the right answer for the field conditions , which results in an expanding universe. In order to obtain more realistic results, we built a scale factor for the field equations using a time-varying deceleration parameter. An initial slowdown is followed by an eventual speedup in this model. In addition to this, the effect that DE with a variable EoS has on the geometrical and physical characteristics of the object is investigated. It is also examined how DE with a changeable EoS affects the physical and mathematical properties of the object. Analysis and graphics are used to examine some physical features of the models, such as the modified Ricci dark-energy density, pressure, matter-energy densities, and jerk/r-s parameters.

Key words: Hubble parameter, Jerk parameter, r-s parameter, Ricci dark energy.

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