Child abuse is the implementation of an unacceptable behavior to child by an adult in a certain period in that culture. Generally, the child abuse and neglect is defined as any kind of behavior that impacts growth and development of the child adversely. It is seen that children exposed to abuse are mostly brought to the emergency services because of the tumbling and home accidents. Unambiguous of child abuse for being time when faced with traumatic cases in pediatric age group should be approached with suspicion. In addition, at the child protection centers in the hospitals, the medical, legal and social evaluation of the child must be carried out without distress from a single center, nothing with the recurrence story and examination of the cases with painful. Our laws articles about the child abuse and neglect are inadequate because there aren't special items connected with the child abuse and neglect in our laws. Therefore, for the prevention of child abuse, the treatment and rehabilitation of victims, the special laws connected with the subject matter should be prepared by the legislator. In this study; it was aimed to be examined the cases about abuse and neglect to investigate the medical, legal and social process, being determined the necessary of the evaluation as forensic case of suspicious child physical abuse cases.
Key words: Child abuse, physical abuse, negligence, home accident, forensic medicine