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Emergencies treatment for tongue laceration in children : A serial case

Andi Arfandi Arifuddin, Endang Sjamsudin, Melita Sylvyana, Emiliana Lia.

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Introduction: In children, tongue laceration may occur through several mechanisms, but are most common after a fall or a collision with an object or person. Tongue laceration provides a challenge for an emergency physician with a thought to suture or not. Wound closure typically involves local anaesthesia, sedative drugs, or even general anaesthesia.
Objective: To describe emergencies treatment and adequate wound closure for tongue laceration in children.
Case Report: Three cases of tongue laceration on the child's in the Emergency Unit, Hasan Sadikin Hospital and Padjadjaran University Dental Hospital, with complaint of bleeding from the tongue due to fall and collision with a toys. Clinical examination shows tongue laceration with different location and size. The first case was laceration of the dorsal and ventral of the tongue with 4x1 cm and 2x1x1 cm in size, wound closure and debridement were performed under general anaesthesia in the operating room. The second case was laceration of the dorsal tongue with 3x0.5x0.5 cm in size, wound closure and debridement was performed with sedative drugs and the third case was laceration of the anterior tongue with 3x1x1 cm in size, wound closure and debridement was performed in local anaesthesia. Furthermore, analgesics, antibiotic and antitetanus injection are given.
Discussion: The treatment of tongue laceration should consider signs and symptoms of airway obstruction, uncontrolled bleeding, extensive tearing and cooperative levels in patients. Management of tongue laceration in children is performed wound cleansing, tongue muscle and mucosa suturing under local anaesthesia in fairly cooperative patients and with sedative drugs and general anaesthesia in uncooperative patients.
Conclusion: The treatment for tongue laceration in children requires special treatment consider the level of cooperative in children and the large of the wound, which can be performed under local, sedative drugs and general anaesthesia.

Key words: Emergency, Tongue laceration, Child

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