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Review Article

Open Data Sharing in the Context of Bioresources

Paola DeCastro, Alessia Calzolari, Federica Napolitani, Anna Maria Rossi, Laurence Mabile, Anne Cambon-Thomsen, Elena Bravo.


Recently many international initiatives have been developed to improve access to scientific information and to promote open data sharing. In the complex field of bioresources, the BRIF (Bioresource Research Impact Factor) project aims to create suitable methods to recognise and measure the use and impact of biological resources in scientific/academic work, in order to maximize access by researchers to collections of biological materials and attached databases, and to recognize efforts involved in their maintenance. The lack of a proper recognition of scientific contribution is in fact a major obstacle which impedes bioresource sharing. In this context, the BRIF initiative can be considered as a tool to facilitate research resource sharing,

Key words: Bioresources, citations, data sharing, editors, open access, open research data.

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