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Case Report

Cause of rare acute abdomen: Primary omental torsion

Guleser Akpinar, Bedia Gulen, Ali Duman, Afsin Ipekci, Hilal Hocagil.


Omental infarction is a rare pathology which develops as a result of impairment of perfusion of the omentum magus, which can imitate almost all acute abdomen symptoms with its clinical findings. The patient who applied to our emergency department with the complaint of abdominal pain that has started three days ago was taken under operation with the prediagnosis of omental infarction as a result of the analyses conducted. In laparotomy, omentum torsioned along normal appendix and long axis and undergone necrosis was observed. Torsioned necrotic omentum tissue has been excised. Our conclusion from the case and literature is that omental torsion and idiopathic omental necrosis should be also considered in patients with abdominal pain complaint.

Key words: Omental infarction, omental torsion, acute abdomen

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