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Saudi intermediate girls knowledge, attitudes and practices of puberty in Tauf, Saudi Arabia

Jawhara Abdullah Alosaimi.

Cited by 0 Articles

Background: Adolescence marks a period of important physical and sexual changes. It is expected that adolescents face major conflict for adapting the sudden upsurge of sexual and aggressive drives. These changes may cause unrest and confusion in the adolescentsÂ’ way of perceiving the world.

Aims & Objective: The current study was conducted to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice of the intermediate school female students regarding the biological changes occurring during puberty.

Material and Methods: A sample of 542 students was selected randomly from female intermediate schools in Taif city, and their knowledge, attitude and practices regarding physical changes were assessed by using a pre-designed self-administered questionnaire. The questionnaire was constructed and validated to achieve the purpose of the study.

Results: The results showed that the median age for menarche was 13 years, 43.8% of the students in the sample scored below average level of knowledge, mothers constituted the main source of information for the students. Meanwhile, it was found that 38.9% had negative attitude towards the biological changes occurring during puberty.

Conclusion: It was concluded that the lack of knowledge was reflected on negative attitude and was translated into unhealthy practices among some students. It was recommended that the female students are in grate need for health education about the biological changes occurring during puberty, and the healthy life style to be adopted during the menstrual days.

Key words: Puberty; Girls; Knowledge; Attitude; Practice; Saudi Arabia

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