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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 1215-1225

Developing Android-Based Game for L2 Learners in Language Knowledge

Novi Eka Susilowati, Ariva Luciandika, Octi Rjeky Mardasari, Yuniawatika.


The purpose of this study is to develop an android-based game for learning language knowledge material which includes Indonesian sound, vocabulary, and grammar because until now, there is no learning media that can be used by L2 learners in learning language knowledge. This developed product is aimed at Indonesian language for foreign speakers (Bahasa Indonesia untuk Penutur Asing/BIPA) learners. This research was conducted using Huang & Soman's development model which consists of five stages, namely (1) understanding the target audience and the context, (2) define learning objectives, (3) structuring the experience, (4) identifying resources, and (5) applying gamification elements. The product developed has been validated by expert validation and validated by practitioner validation. The results showed that the product developed was feasible to be implemented with an average score of 87%.

Key words: Android-based game, Second language learning, language knowledge

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