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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 1167-1175

The Implementation of Indonesian Cross-Major Program in The Structuration and Structural Functional Perspective

Shofia Darun Nasifah, Joan Hesti Gita Purwasih.


The author portrayed the reality of cross-major application in Indonesia. The objectives of research were to explain the reality of cross-major implementation and to describe students’ perception on the cross-major implementation. This research employed mixed methods with sequential exploratory model. Data analysis was conducted using structuration and structural functional theories. The result of research showed that cross-major program is a policy that cannot be implemented perfectly corresponding to the enacted rule. Students were not given discretion to choose the subject they are interested in. there were two factors causing such the condition: classroom availability and teacher availability. An ideal cross-major based on students’ pure wish was highly avoided because it would be hazardous to the composition of students in each of classes and would lead to the obstacle in subject scheduling. Therefore, the school developed system reengineering to make the program as if compatible to the enacted regulation.

Key words: Curriculum, Cross-major, Structural functional, School

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