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Original Article

AJVS. 2014; 40(1): 112-117

Using of Polypropylene Mesh for Hernioplasty in Calves

Mostafa M. kassam, Mahmoud H. Elkammer, Ahmed S. Korittum, Ali A. Abdel-Wahed.


The development of prosthetic biomaterials revolutionized surgery for the repair of abdominal wall hernias.
A tension free mesh technique has drastically reduced recurrence rates for all hernias compared to tissue repairs. It’s possible to reconstruct large ventral defects that were previously irreparable. Abdominal wall defects (hernias).
In this study polypropylene mesh was used to facilitate The reconstruction of large tissue defects in 5 crossbred bovine calves, and was not associated with any serious complications.
The results of this study allow us to say that the use of prosthetic biomaterials is superior to simple suture repair and represent a modern and safely procedure in large hernial ring to avoid over-stretching on the edges of the wound which hinders wound healing. The biocompatibility of these biomaterials for long periods requires further investigations.

Key words: propylene mesh hernioplasty rapair

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