Inventory of goods is a list that contains all the items belonging to the office. This study aims to produce an inventory clustering application that applies the k-means method to the application. The research site was conducted at the ICT PT PERTAMINA EP ASSET 1 PANGKALAN SUSU FIELD. In this study using the k-means method, which classifies goods data for the last 3 years starting from 2017, 2018 and 2019. This application was built using flowcharts, dfd, and erd. The results of the k-means calculation show that PC & Laptop 2017, PC & Laptop 2019, and cctv 2018 are members of C2 while C1 members are PC & Laptop 2018, Radio HT 2017, Radio HT 2018, Radio HT 2019, Printer 2017, Printer 2018, Printer 2019, CCTV 2017, and CCTV 2019. The conclusion of this study by applying the k-means method, the calculation stops at the second iteration and can produce a clustering application.
Key words: Application, Clustering, Inventory of Goods, ICT, K-Means.