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Micropropagation of the medicinal plant Physalis alkekengi

Zukhra Kadirova, Tashmukhamedova Shokhista, Dalimova Dilbar, Madjidova Rano, Shovkatova Gulchehra.

Cited by 1 Articles

Background: The theoretical and practical issues of clonal micropropagation of the medicinal plant Physalis alkekengi L. are considered in the article. For the 1st time, on the basis of the conducted research, the micropropagation of the medicinal plant P. alkekengi in vitro was carried out.

Aims and Objectives: The organs and tissues of the medicinal plant P. alkekengi L. were the objects of the current study.

Materials and Methods: Sterilization of media, plant material, and work was performed under aseptic conditions. Plant explants were propagated in vitro in a medium. Murashige and Skoog medium was used as the main medium for micropropagation.

Results: It was found that the size of the explant from 0.6 to 1.0 cm is optimal for micropropagation.

Conclusion: For the 1st time on the basis of microclonal propagation, the in vitro micropropagation of the medicinal plant P. alkekengi was carried out. In addition, the effect of the concentration of the antifungal drug nystatin on plant growth and development was studied.

Key words: Physalis alkekengi L.; Medicinal Plant; Nodal Explant; Clonal Micropropagation; Virus; Tissue; Explant; In Vitro

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