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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 1062-1070

Development of CAT-based student worksheets to improve basic students 'mathematical understanding abilities

Patri Janson Silaban, Dewi Anzelina, Regina Sipayung, Rumiris Lumban Gaol, Dyan Wulan Sari HS, Juliana.


Basically, the ability of Mathematical Comprehension is an ability that can be trained for every student. Students Worksheet is a learning aid in the learning process. One of them is CAT (Computer Assisted Test)-based Students Worksheet. CAT is a learning medium that is designed to be used to develop interactive Students Worksheet related to integer arithmetic operations. This research method is the method of Research and Development. The subject of this research is class VI Methodist-12 Private SD Medan Academic Year 2019/2020. The variables to be measured are proof of important analytical and experimental functions and / or characteristics which includes the accuracy of CAT-based Students Worksheet design, comprehension ability. student mathematics and the effectiveness and efficiency of use.

Key words: Students worksheet, cat, mathematical comprehension ability

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