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EEO. 2021; 20(1): 1018-1025

Systematic Review of The Studies in Turkey During Covid-19 Curfew

Zihniye Okray.


Covid 19, Corona Virus pandemic has caught every segment of society unprepared in our country as well as all over the world. In this process, students and teachers have had to switch from face-to-face education to the online education within a short period of time such as a few weeks. This training and measurement evaluation process, which is carried out on different digital platforms, has brought with it different challenges for both students and teachers.
Although there are studies on distance education effectiveness and success, studies in the first, middle, high school and university areas of distance education are limited during the pandemic process. There are no studies related to distance education during pandemic periods that have occurred before in the world in the study of the field. The fact that other important pandemics affecting the world occur at different ages and technology is almost nonexistent compared to now at that time, which can be considered as the main factor that can explain this situation.
In this systematic review articles that are published in 2020, which are related with Covid 19 pandemics evaluated after the quarantine process had begun. The aim of this study is to systematically evaluate the problems, solution proposals and development studies expressed by teachers and students who are in mainly continue their education upon EBA regarding the pandemic process.
As a result, it was concluded that although e-learning have some advantages and disadvantages during this extraordinary period of time related with the unstoppable spread of coronavirus throughout the world online education seems to be the best way to continue education.

Key words: Covid-19, school closure, e-learning, online education, Turkey

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