The low and poor quality of education in Indonesia is an indicator of the inadequacy performance of educational resources such as teachers in Indonesia. One region that can be studied related to the human resource aspect of education is teachers at Junior High Schools (SMP) in Kupang City, East Nusa Tenggara Province (NTT). The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of competence and work motivation on the performance of teachers in SMP Negeri in Kupang City. This research uses quantitative associative methods from the independent variables (competence or motivation) to the dependent variable (performance). The types of data used are data of primary and secondary. The technique of obtaining data is carried out through interviews, observation, and documentation. The research population was 447 people who were determined by purposive stratified proportional sampling to be 45 respondents. The data analysis used statistical multiple linear regression analysis with the SPSS 20.0 application. The research results showed that partially and simultaneously, the variables of competency (0.332 units) and motivation (0.291 units) had a positive value and had a very significant effect on the performance of the teachers of SMP Negeri in Kupang City. The results of this research can be used as recommendations for school heads, department heads, and policymakers to improve the quality of education output by providing motivation and increasing the competence of teachers.
Key words: competence, work motivation, teacher performance.