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BMB. 2022; 7(1): 43-48

Comparison of Body Mass Index and Bioelectric Impedance Analysis Methods in the Evaluatıon of Body Composition and Obesity ın Women Kadınlarda Vücut Kompozisyonu ve Obezitenin Değerlendirilmesinde Beden Kütle İndeksi ve Biyoelektrik İmpedans Analiz Yöntemlerinin Karşılaştırılması

fatih sırıken, Ersen Ertekin, Cengiz Unsal, Arif Aktuğ Ertekin, Hakan Öztürk, Anna Beatriz Rodriguez, Ayla Gülden Pekcan.


Objective:Body mass index (BMI) is often used to diagnose obesity, although ithas the disadvantage of not being able to reveal body fat content. Our study aimed (1) to evaluate the obesity status using BMI and body fat percentage (BFBIA%) determined by bioelectric impedance analysis (BIA) method among women aged 20-60 years who are admitted the diet clinic, and (2) to evaluate the relationship between BMI and BFBIA%.

Methods: This study enrolled 100 women aged 20-60 years. It was a descriptive study. The study data and the BFBIA%values were obtained from outpatient BMI data recorded between October 2020 and November 2020. BMI was calculated using body weight(kg) and body height(m2). The prevalence of obesity among the study subjects was determined using BMI and BFBIA%. Statistical analyses were performed using Pearson’s correlation test and one-sided analysis of variance.

Results: Prevelance of obesity, based on BMI and BFBIA% were 53% and 46%respectively and no significant difference was determined(p=0.322). Subjects determined to be obese based onthe BMI had a mean BFBIA% of 40±18%. The subjects determined to be obese, overweight and normalbased onthe BMI had a meanBFBIA%of40.4±5.3, 34.4±4.1, and 23.2±6.2, respectively (p

Key words: Obesity, Body Mass Index, Bioelectric Impedance Analysis, Body Fat Percentage.

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