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Relationship Between Cardiovascular function and Markers of Adiposity in Young Female Subjects

Dipayan Choudhuri, Soma Choudhuri, Manjunath Aithal.

Cited by 1 Articles

Background: Adiposity of a subject depends on pattern of distribution of body fat and is assessed by various anthropometric markers. Measurement of blood pressure and assessment of cardiorespiratory fitness are the two most important parameters to evaluate the cardiovascular functional status of a subject. Age, sex and genetics play vital role in development of adiposity and thus effect cardiovascular function of the subject from different ethnic back ground.

Aims & Objective: The current study was designed to evaluate various anthropometric markers of adiposity, blood pressure and cardiorespiratory fitness in young female subjects from both nontribal (Bengali) and tribal community of Tripura, a north-eastern state of India and to evaluate the relationship between the markers of adiposity and cardiovascular function of the subject.

Material and Methods: Seventy five nontribal (Bengali) and seventy five tribal female (18 -25 years of age) subjects were included in the study through random selection. The basal metabolic rate (BMI), the waist-hip ratio (WHR), the waist –height ratio (WHtR) and body fat (%) of the subjects were evaluated. The basal blood pressure of the subjects were recorded. The cardiorespiratory fitness of the subjects were evaluated by using Queen’s College Step Test.

Results: There was no significant difference in the general characteristics of the subject from different ethnic background, except that the total body fat (%) was significantly less in tribal females. Both systolic and diastolic blood pressure correlated positively with BMI, WHR and WHtR of the females from both the communities. There was a negative correlation between adiposity markers and cardiorespiratory fitness of the subject.

Conclusion: The result of the present study suggests that obesity, especially central obesity, in young female subjects, reduces the cardiovascular fitness and increases the risk of prehypertension, irrespective of their ethnicity.

Key words: Body mass index, Waist-hip ratio, Waist-height ratio, Blood pressure, Cardiorespiratory fitness.

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