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Case Report

Appendicitis? Epilepsy?

Salim Özenç, Özcan Altınel, Hasan Murat Turgut, Mustafa Tanrıseven, Mehmet İnce.


Appendicitis may present with different clinical . A good history and physical examination in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis is very important. Case: A 22 year old male patient was admitted to the emergency department with complaints of convulsion . The patient's general condition , medium , conscious, the effect of diazepam slightly confused state. Vital signs were normal values . About 6 days a detailed medical history is queried to express that the right lower quadrant abdominal pain . remember going and after having a family physician at the attack , he said. The physical examination, pain -free and had no defense , rebound the suspicious findings were positive . Biochemical test results were within normal limits . The patient underwent surgery with general surgery consultation and exploration, was diagnosed with acute Appanditis and appendectomy was performed. Discussion : Daily practice of medicine, rather than for us on arrival detailed history when assessing patients or relatives of patients should do.

Key words: Appendicitis, Epilepsy, Emergency

Article Language: Turkish English

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