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Correlation between quality of life and spirituality in geriatrics

Mehmet Ucar, Rukuye Aylaz.

Cited by 3 Articles

Aim: When tackling with human health, the elderly, one of the society’s most vulnerable groups, must be analyzed in all its aspects. It was thought that spirituality had an important role in human health and fight against diseases. There is a scarcity of data reported from the literature on spirituality and health. Therefore, this study was undertaken to determine the impact of quality of life and spirituality on geriatrics.
Material and Methods: This research was made as descriptive research. The sample consisted of 368 individuals over 65 registered, who were being followed up at 10 Primary Care Clinics of Malatya province. Data were collected using an individual questionnaire, WHO QOL Instrument Elderly Module and Spiritual Orientation Scale.
Results: A statistically significant difference was determined between the income status, situations of living together, having support, having chronic illnesses and using devices and the spiritual orientations of the participants. When the sociodemographic characteristics and quality of life score averages of the geriatrics were compared, a statistically significant difference was determined between age, educational level, chronic illnesses, physical disability and using devices (p

Key words: Spirituality; quality of life; health professionals; elderly.

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