Background: Physiology is the link between the basic sciences and medicine. Students learn Human Physiology by attending theory as well as practical classes. For a large group teaching, lecturing is the one of the oldest and commonest forms of delivery of information to the students. Lectures are often supported by Audio-visual Aids to make it effective.
Aims & Objective: To know the role of Audio-visual Aids in physiology lecture.
Materials and Methods: Cross – Sectional and Descriptive study was undertaken in 105 medical students, appearing for exam in the month of June and July 2013 by questionnaire method, which were validated by pilot study. Results were entered in Microsoft Excel Sheet and Analysis was done.
Results: For physiology lecture, students prefer lecturing of theory classes with mix of Audio-visual Aids (44.76%), with Microsoft power point (33.33%), with black board18.09% and with Overhead projector (3.80 %).
Conclusion: Depending on the content and objective of the class, effective use of Audio-visual Aids during lecture classes, can make the students actively participate in learning process.
Key words: Audio-Visual Aids; Lecture; Students; Physiology