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Non-surgical Management of oral Hemangioma

Nitesh Mohan, Surendra Prasad.

Cited by 0 Articles

Background: Hemangiomas are solitary or sometimes multiple flat or raised reddish blue lesions. These are benign, vascular tumours that can lead to disfigurement or may become life threatening. Oral mucosa and skin are most commonly affected. Many modes of therapy have been advised for hemangiomas, which include cautery, cryotherapy, radiotherapy and sclerosing agents.

Aims & Objective: Present study was undertaken to study the non-surgical management of oral hemangioma.

Material and Methods: A prospective study of all clinically diagnosed cases of oral hemangioma at a tertiary care hospital was carried out. Surface anaesthesia was given by 15% xylocaine spray. 3% sodium tetradecyl sulphate was given as intralesional injection at multiple sites with insulin syringe. 0.1 to 1ml of STS was injected depending upon the size of lesion. Follow up examination of all cases was done.

Results: A total of 15 cases were included in the study, in a period of 5 years. Hemangioma regressed in all cases with relief of symptoms. All patients complaining of bleeding, inflammation and pain were given analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs. Complete remission was seen in 86.67% of the patients. 13.33% showed partial regression with ulceration and sloughing, which subsided with subsequent treatment.

Conclusion: Various treatment modalities are recognised in the management of oral hemangiomas. Use of 3% sodium tetradecyl sulfate is cheap, very effective and easy treatment modality. However, judicial use of dose, number and site of injections is advised to prevent further complications.

Key words: Oral Hemangioma; Sclerosing Agents; Non-Surgical Management

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