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Internet addiction among secondary school students in Riyadh city, its prevalence, correlates and relation to depression: A questionnaire survey

Mashhor Al-hantoushi, Saad Al-abdullateef.

Cited by 3 Articles

Background: There has been an explosive growth of internet usage worldwide and this is expected to continue with its use becoming an integral part of everyday life. The internet provides tremendous educational benefits; however, excessive internet use can lead to negative outcomes such as poor school performance and social isolation.

Aims & Objective: To measure the prevalence of internet addiction among secondary school students in Riyadh city, its correlates and its relation to depression.

Material and Methods: A cross sectional survey, was conducted between May and June 2010, using a self-administered questionnaire distributed to randomly selected 770 secondary schools students, using 20-item Young’s internet addiction test, and the Center for epidemiological studies depression scale, with questions related to demographic, social, academic and internet use factors.

Results: 716 students answered the questionnaire, 391 are males and 325 are females. Prevalence was 5.3%, with male predominance. Internet addiction was associated with a lower degree of school performance, more hours using internet every day, lower level of parental control, and higher level of depression.

Conclusion: Internet addiction has psychological, physical, and social effects on adolescents’ life, which requires preventive strategies and therapeutic interventions.

Key words: Internet Addiction; Pathological Internet Use; Prevalence; Adolescents; Depression

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