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Case Report

Two Physical Child Abuse Cases with Lethal Outcome [Olumle Sonuclanan Iki Fiziksel Cocuk Istismari Olgusu]

Zerrin Erkol, Nergis Canturk, Hayri Erkol.


The study presents two cases of child abuse, one being molested by his father and stepmother, the second one by his stepmother. This study also aims to draw attention to taking necessary precautions in order to prevent similar cases from happening. The external examination of both cases revealed traumatic findings in different ages and cigarette burns; in addition, the second case had a large burn scar area starting from the left shoulder towards the rib curve. The first case is claimed to be hung by his father at times onto a tree in the garden of their house and the external examination showed scars on both upper arms, supporting this claims. The second case was in an advanced state of cachexia. The internal examination revealed that the first case had chronic subdural hematoma on the right fronto-temporal region, fresh subdural hematoma on the left temporal region and purulent menengitis; whereas, the second case had chronic subdural hematoma on the right parietal region and subarachnoidal bleeding on the both parietal and partially on the temporal area. The reports of the Council of Forensic Medicine indicated that the death cause of both cases was cerebral hemorrhage and developping complications. It is rather important to increase multidisciplinary studies on preventing child abuse that has multiple causes and a big impact on not only children but society as a whole. It is crucial to encourage collaboration among the government and the civil associations on the subject for increasing social sensitivity.

Key words: Child abuse, subdural hematoma, death, forensic medicine, autopsy

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