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Original Research

RMJ. 2013; 38(4): 422-424

Status of BCG vaccination in a semi urban community

Matiur Rahman, Amtul Aisha Rahman.


Objective: To determine the knowledge and perception of parents/guardians about BCG vaccination of children and to find the status of BCG vaccination among children less than five years old and to probe into reasons for not getting vaccinated.
Methodology: This Cross sectional survey was conducted in a semi urban community near Islamabad, sample size consisted of 100 households which were selected by simple random sampling. A questionnaire was used to interview parents and guardians after obtaining their consent with a group of 4th year MBBS students of Shifa College of Medicine. SPSS was used to analyze the data.
Results: 98% children were BCG vaccinated, 88% had a scar of BCG vaccination on deltoid region of left arm, 75% parents and guardians had adequate information about tuberculosis and 64% were aware about the purpose of BCG vaccination.
Conclusion: The study showed that not only the status of BCG vaccinations has increased but also attitude of the people towards vaccination is becoming positive.
Keywords: BCG vaccination and scar, vaccination card, caregivers.

Key words: BCG vaccination and scar, vaccination card, caregivers.

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