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Previous Involvement in Research and Knowledge Regarding Basic Research Methods Among Doctors Working at Primary Care in Central Region, Saudi Arabia

Amirah Abdulmohsen Al-Rossais, Shibli Sayeed, Mohammad Shibly Khan, Abeer Ali Bin Jaber, Malak Ayedh Al-Qahtani, Aedh bin Fardan.


Introduction: The cumulative outcomes of health research in the modern times had a huge effect on human health and longevity. The primary care physicians are the first point of contact between the health system and the society. Therefore their responsibility is higher to provide the latest information to their patients, in the context of rapidly changing field of medical science. Doctors are expected to have a basic knowledge of research methodology in order to develop a critical thinking and this is the rationale to include the research activity is an integral part of post-graduate medical training. Aim: We aimed to assess the previous involvement in research activities and knowledge in basic research methods among primary care physicians in central region, Saudi Arabia. Methods: It was a cross sectional descriptive study conducted on a conveniently selected sample of doctors (N=80) working under general directorate of health affairs in Riyadh region, Ministry of Health. The data was collected through a pre-designed, self-administered survey instrument containing closed ended questions. Results: The mean age of the physicians was observed to be 44.7 ± 9.6 years. About 32% doctors had previous experience of writing a research proposal while only 20% had any publication in a scientific journal. About 45% had attended workshop on research methodology within last five years. Only one item related to ‘consent in medical research’ was answered correctly by 60% respondents. The correct responses in other knowledge items scored less than 50% (ranging from 18.8% to 37.5%). The proportion of doctors having any publication was observed to significantly higher among younger age (p

Key words: primary care physicians, research participation, knowledge, medical research, Saudi Arabia.

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