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Review Article

IJMDC. 2022; 6(8): 1063-1075

Knowledge, attitude, and practice toward HBV infection and its prevention in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: a systematic review

Ahmad Ali Hazzazi, Mohammed Maki Abualgasem, Abdulaziz Ahmed Kaal, Almothana Makki Aboalqasim, Mohammed Somaili, Erwa Eltayib Elmakki.


Hepatitis B infection (HBV) is one of the leading global health issues. Knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) can influence health-related behaviors. The present study aims to assess the current knowledge, attitude, and practice toward HBV infection and its prevention in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. A systematic literature search was conducted in the electronic databases, including PubMed and Google Scholar, using the detailed Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses checklist. All KAP studies on HBV published from 2005 to 2019 in Saudi Arabia were included. QUALSYST tool was used for the quality assessment of the studies. The level of KAP was measured and summarized. Twenty-six studies were included, with a total of 10,725 participants. The included studies represent all regions of Saudi Arabia and included different population groups. Forty-six percent of the included studies are of good quality, whereas 50% and 4% are of fair and poor quality, respectively. The knowledge level was reported as good, fair, and poor at 64%, 27%, and 27%, respectively. Regarding the attitude, 38% had a positive attitude, 38% had a fairly positive attitude, and 24% had a negative attitude. A highly positive practice was reported among healthcare workers. Variable levels of KAP were found. The main factors affecting KAP were education, profession, and work experience. The results of this review will help the concerned authorities in KSA formulate strong advocacy programs to improve HBV awareness among the general population.

Key words: Knowledge, attitude, practices, awareness, perceptions, Hepatitis B virus, Saudi Arabia

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