Background: Lichen simplex chronicus (LSC) is also termed as Neurodermatitis in medical science. It is one among skin diseases characterized by polygonal, flat-topped, violaceous papules and plaques with chronic itching and scratching. It is accompanied by some inflammatory signs like redness, burning, exudation. There are several endogenous and exogenous factors responsible for the aggravation of the disease. In Ayurveda, it resembles with Vicharchika, a type of Kshudra Kusthawhich is Kapha dominant skin disorder with some similar clinical features with lichen planus. Method:A female patient of age 32 visited OPD with chief complaints of LSC. Since conventional therapy used in this condition was unsatisfactory and having certain adverse effects, patient opted for Ayurvedic treatment. Patient was treated with internal and external polyherbal formulations for 3 months in tapering order and follow up of 1 month according to the disease Vicharchika. Result: Relief in all signs and symptoms along with new complaints like hair-fall and white discharge was observed. The relief was stable even after follow up and no adverse effect was found. Conclusion: Present case study shows that traditional herbal medicines may prove effective in such skin disorders and improve the overall quality of life with minimum or no adverse effects.
Key words: Ayurveda, Kshudra Kustha, Lichen simplex chronicus, Neurodermatitis, Vicharchika