The Industrial Revolution and globalization have helped accelerate the breaking down of barriers between humans and countries, which has made it very easy for anyone to buy almost any product from all around the world. So, there is a strong possibility and fear that many of these products might contain impure ingredients. A lot of impure ingredients are used in these products in order to make them attractive, to preserve their taste and to make them long lasting. On the other hand, chemical reactions change the physical appearance of the product. So, impurity can’t be traced. Regardless of this intractability, these impure ingredients are considerable in perspective of Shariah. In some cases, production process causes some specific chemical or other type of reaction so much that these impurities are transformed in nature. Sometimes this transformation of nature is considered as a purification of products.
This research paper aims to draw a line between physical transformation of products and the transformation of nature according to Shariah. In this research, author has defined impurities and transformation. He has also thrown a light on different procedures causing transformation and their status in shariah. Moreover, he has briefly discussed the different conditions of transformation and supported them with evidences. For the purpose, The Holy Quran, Hadith, classical Fiqh literature, and modern Fiqh literature have been extensively and intensively kept in view.
The research paper concludes that transformation is acceptable according to Shariah, and it purifies the impurities with some specific conditions.
Key words: Classical and Modren Fiqh Literature, Transformation, Impure Things and Ingredients, Necessity, General Practice Widespread Hardships.