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Effects of socioeconomic levels of families and family relations on substance addiction of adolescents

Hüseyin Arslan,Eyüp Sarı.


In adolescents, family, friends, school, and personal characteristics of the individual may constitute a risk factor for smoking, alcohol, and substance abuse. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of the socioeconomic conditions and the relationships of adolescents on substance use. A total of 527 students aged 13-18 from 10 schools located in the Polatli District of Ankara were included in the study. Gender, age, school type, education levels of parents, income levels of the family, problem-solving approaches of the family, along with substance use history in the family, the substances used, age of onset, and domestic relations were all evaluated. Out of 326 male students, 75 (14.23%) were established as addicted, and out of 201 female students, 39 (7.40%) were found as addicted, making a total of 114 (21.63%) out of 527. While 70 (61.40%) of the addicts were found to be using tobacco, 41 (35.96%) were alcohol, 25 (21.92%) were using volatile substances, and 33 (28.94%) were abusing other substances. At least One of the parents of 122 students were found to use an addictive substance, and in total, close relatives of 293 students were determined to use substance. Of the students using substance, 26.3% were reported to use substance due to individual reasons. The age of fourteen was determined as the most frequent starting age for substance use. The type of school, the level of education of the student, and the mother were found to be effective in substance use. It was observed that the families of young individuals that used substance set rules at lower rates as to what they should be doing outside and when they should be home, and that they participated in fewer activities with their children. Our study showed that there are social and economic reasons that reveal or maintain addiction. These factors should be taken into account for the prevention of addiction.

Key words: Adolescents, substance addiction, family relations.

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