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Tympanosclerosis causing blockage of Middle Ear Cleft

Nitesh Mohan, Surendra Prasad.

Cited by 5 Articles

Background: Middle ear cleft space starts from Eustachian tube, and includes middle ear, aditus & mastoid antrum. It develops from 1st visceral pouch. Blockage of middle ear cleft, particularly the aditus can result from a number of reasons. Tympanosclerosis creates obstruction in aeration of middle ear and mastoid antrum.

Aims & Objective: To study effect of tympanosclerosis on blockage of middle ear cleft.

Material and Methods: A retrospective study of all cases of cortical mastoidectomy surgeries done in a Tertiary care centre in Western U.P. was carried out. Relevant clinical data and histopathology reports were obtained from hospital records and the data was analysed. A total of 20 cases of cortical mastoidectomy were included in the study.

Results: A total of 20 cases were included in the study, in the age group of 16 to 58 years. Tympanosclerosis was seen in 13 cases. In tympanosclerosis positive group, the mean age was 25-32years. The aditus was not patent in 10(50%) of patients in this group.

Conclusion: Tympanosclerosis is a non-specific result of chronic inflammatory process and causes an increased risk for blockage of aditus through plaque formation. Clearance of these plaques and cortical mastoidectomy prevents recurrences.

Key words: Tympanosclerosis, Mastoidectomy; Blockage; Middle Ear Cleft

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