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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 567-577

The Effect of Firm Sizes on Firm Performance with Gcg Mechanism and Csr Disclosure as Intervening Variables

Mochammad Zahir, Noorlailie Soewarno.


The research is to known are there any impact of firm size to GCG mecanism, CSR disclosure and firm perfomance. and are there any impact of firm size, GCG mecanism, and CSR disclosure to firm perfomance. And this research is aim to proof GCG mecanism and CSR disclosure can be mediated the impact of firm size to firm performance. This research using questionnaire data for hypothesis testing and using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) to find out the impact of firm perfomance through GCG mecanism and CSR disclosure as mediation variable. The result of empirical study proof that reward, trust, job satisfaction, and knowledge sharing predispose the employee performance. The result also proof that reward, trust, and job satisfaction predispose the employee performance. And the research proof that reward does not affect employee performance indirectly through knowledge sharing, while trust predispose employee performance through knowledge sharing, and job satisfaction does not affect employee performance through knowledge sharing indirectly. Therefore, the firm should intensify reward, trust, and job satisfaction which build a good knowledge sharing activity to intensify employee performance. The research apply institutional theory to propose the relationship of firm perfomance to firm performance and the mediation effect of GCG mecanism and CSR disclosure.

Key words: Firm size, firm perfomance, GCG mecanism, CSR disclosure

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