The most promising distributed system application paradigm contains the notion of a "mobile agent." A “mobile agent” is a software programme that travels through a “heterogeneous network” and operates independently at its destination. Mobile agent technology adds mobility to network communication by allowing mobile processes to relocate to new distant servers. Mobile agents can assist systems and real-time applications be more efficient and adaptable. Security issues plague “mobile agent” systems. Due to the “mobile agent paradigm” and threats, security measures must be established for both agent agents and hosting servers. There are various feasible solutions to the challenge of agent-hosting server security. Agent protection is a more complex technical challenge with fewer answers. The agent's owner does not control the behaviour of the agent-hosting servers, which adds to the complexity. This may distort the passing agent's calculations. Given the impossibility to force distant servers to comply with a security policy to prevent damaging the agent's data, the owner's cryptographic procedures may be a feasible solution. The “Broadcast Based Secure Mobile Agent Protocol” allows nonrepudiation, accountability, authorization, mutual authentication, secrecy, and integrity for distributed service applications. Attacks from the middle, repudiation, modification, and replay are also blocked. We verified the suggested protocol's efficacy using the Scyther verification tool.
Key words: Volatile Information, Mobile Agent, heterogeneous network, mobile agent paradigm.