Aim: A multifactorial injury prevention and safety promotion programme started in 1981 and ran for about 10 years in an island community in Norway with a population of about 1000. A study was undertaken to evaluate effects of the programme over a period of 20 years. Methods: Injuries were recorded by the one medical doctor on the island several years during the period 1970-2001. The programme was carried out with high intensity from 1981 to 1987. The intensity gradually decreased to a medium level that lasted until about 1994, when it was further reduced to a low level. Results: The injury incidence rate was reduced from 17.7% in 1980 (N=188) to 9.7% in 1987 (N=97) with relative risk reduced to 0.55 (95% CI: 0.44-0.70, p
Key words: injury prevention, safety promotion, local community, public health and community medicine.