Introduction: Evaluation of neurogenic urination dysfunction by urodynamic examination in patients with spinal cord lesions is essential for ensuring the effective emptying of the bladder and the prevention of urological complications. Goal: To establish the relation between urodynamic findings with the development of complications of the upper urinary tract (UUT) in patients with spinal cord lesions. Materials and Methods: This is a retrospective study involving 42 patients with spinal cord lesions in which are analyzed complications of UUT incurred in an average 4-year period. It also included urodynamic examination of 41 patients (one patient with definitely placed catheter) and the results are compared with the found UUT complications. Among urodynamic parameters were compared the values of bladder compliance (C), maximum detrusor pressure in the filling phase (Pdet.max) and detrusor activity. Results: UUT complications: nephrolithiasis 24%, ureteropieloectasia 21%, chronic pyelonephritis 10% and hydronephrosis in 5% of patients. In 26 (64%) patients were found low compliance (C
Key words: spinal lesions, urodynamics, complications of the upper urinary tract.