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Original Article

IJMDC. 2022; 6(3): 454-460

A cross-sectional study to explore the awareness and knowledge of epilepsy among health colleges’ students in relation to their demographic differences

Salah MohammedTaha Bakry, Fawaz Mohammed Alzubaidi, Abdullah Al Jabri, Adnan Mohammed Alhazmi, Abdulrahim Ali Alzaylaee, Omar Abdullah Alturki, Ali Ahmed Alkhamisi, Mohamed A. Elhefny.


Background: Epilepsy encompasses a challenging health problem that affecting millions of people globally. This study-surveyed student from different health-related colleges in the Makkah region of western Saudi Arabia.
Methods: A survey-based study was carried out between March 2021 and September 2021. All health colleges were included in this study. The study compared the knowledge and awareness of epilepsy and recommended strategies to bridge this knowledge gap.
Results: The number of participants in the current study was 354. Their mean age was 22.6 ± 2.03 years. Among the studied subjects, 49.3% participants were males and 50.7% were females. The majority were fourth-year students, while intern students were the least represented. The College of Medicine represented the predominant proportion among the colleges. The majority of students were single. Moreover, the associations between the level of awareness and participants’ age, marital status, and students’ college were significantly positive (p-values: 0.048, 0.017, and 0.020 respectively).
Conclusion: Out of all variables included, only age, marital status, and certain colleges showed strong conformity with the degree of awareness and knowledge.

Key words: Knowledge, awareness, epilepsy, health students, Saudi Arabia

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