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Original Article

AJVS. 2013; 39(1): 52-63

Surgical and Histological Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Propolis on Wound Healing

Ramadan El Sayed Abd Elwahed, Mahmoud Hussein El Kammar, Islam Reda Edrees.


The search for natural compounds stimulate tissue repair is a target. The current experimental investigation evaluated the effectiveness of propolis compared with honey/cod liver oil mixture, Mebo and panthenol, for treatment of surgically induced full-thicknesses skin wounds in the back region in dogs. Clinical wound characters following propolis treatment proved good and showed marked reduction in wound dimension and formation of healthy scar. The quantification of observation concerning the histological parameters involved in wound healing indicated that the propolis treated wounds proved advantageous. It could be concluded that propolis accelerates wound healing and it is advisable to be used for wound dressing due to its clinical value and easy application.

Key words: Propolis, Dogs, Wounds, Dressing, Healing, Histological evaluation.

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