Oral lichenoid reactions are clinical and histological contemporaries of oral lichen planus, except that the oral
lichenoid reactions have an etiological factor. There are several causes for lichenoid reaction like dental restorative material,
drugs and medications, tobacco, graft-versus-host disease etc. Tobacco induced oral lichenoid reaction occurs as a unilateral,
wavy, non elevated, non scrapable white lesion. The aim of the study to assess the prevalence of oral lichenoid reactions in
smokeless tobacco users. The study was conducted as a retrospective - university based study. Datas of patients who were
diagnosed with oral lichenoid reactions were collected. The datas were entered in excel sheets and analysed using SPSS
software. Chi square test was done to assess the association between gender groups and tobacco habits. The present study
shows the prevalence of lichenoid reaction in smokeless tobacco users is significantly high with the p-value (p=0.004 < 0.05),
with buccal mucosa is the most common clinical side. However, there is no significance in the intensity and duration of
chewing habit to lichenoid reaction.The prevalence of lichenoid reaction in smokeless tobacco users is high with buccal mucosa
as the most common site.
Key words: chewing tobacco, mucosal changes, oral lichenoid reaction, oral lichen planus. Erythematous, tobacco habit,
amalgam induced lichenoid reaction, immune mediated