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Case Report

Ipsilateral fracture dislocations of the hip and knee joints with fracture of acetabulum : a rare case and its management principles.

Rakesh Dubey, Jainilkumar Parmar, Devanand More, Rohit Kulkarni.

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Simultaneous ipsilateral hip and knee dislocations can be a devastating injury rendering the limb useless if not treated in time. Long term results also vary because these two types of injuries are associated with avascular necrosis of the femoral head, knee instability, and stiffness at both the joints. Early diagnosis and prompt reduction is must to prevent the complications. In this report we present a case with this injury describing its management difficulties. knee dislocation was reduced first as constant pressure on posterior neurovascular structure can cause ischemic necrosis of distal part and permanent neurological damage. Hip dislocation was associated with acetabular wall fracture with a fragment piece inside joint which pose a major difficulty for reduction and later fixation of wall. The prompt reduction of dislocations was carried out to achieve good results.

Key words: Ipsilateral , Dislocation , Prompt reduction, Neuro vascular compromise

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