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Post utilization survey of RSBY beneficiaries in civil hospital, Ahmedabad: A cross sectional study

Jaimin Pravinbhai Patel, Janmesh Shah, Medhavi Agarwal, Geeta Kedia.

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Background: Poverty is a multi-faced wretched state of deprivation of basic need and facilities. There are different levels to its adverse influence on the individual, family and the community. Thus a Rashtriya Swasthaya Bima Yojana (RSBY) was launched to help these poverty stricken individuals. This study explores into the utilization of Rashtriya Swasthaya Bima Yojana card and their satisfaction.

Aims & Objective: Our study explore the awareness level of RSBY beneficiaries with the aims and objective, (1) To analyze the socio-demographic profile and services utilized by beneficiaries; (2) To identify the problems experienced by the beneficiaries and measure the satisfaction level; and (3) Out of pocket expenditure of beneficiaries.

Material and Methods: 198 patients were registered between the periods of 01/11/2012 to 28/02/2013 due to some reason 180 beneficiaries were telephonically interviewed about their experience by a pre-tested and pre-designed Performa. The data was collected and analyzed in epi info 7.

Results: Male: Female ratio of beneficiaries is 1.4:1. Mean age of beneficiary was around 36 years. 80% beneficiaries were fully satisfied with the services. All the beneficiaries reported that they got the card easily without any hassle. They were not aware about all the benefits of RSBY so they had to spend out of pocket money for some services.

Conclusion: RSBY beneficiaries were mostly satisfied with the services provided but there was a major lag in their knowledge regarding the benefits provided under RSBY. They were unaware regarding all benefits under RSBY which they can avail from the scheme. Thus IEC activities should be enhanced to increase the awareness among the RSBY card holders so that they can use better service for themselves and their families.

Key words: Rashtriya Swasthaya Bima Yojana, Out of pocket expense, Post utilization survey, Service satisfaction.

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