Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate the incidence of developmental dysplasia of the hip of the infants younger than six months old that were diagnosed by hip ultrasonography in our orthopaedics outpatient clinic. The relationship between risc factors and dysplasia were also discussed.
Methods: Between July 2011 and July 2012, 518 hips of 259 infants younger than six months old attended to our outpatient clinic for several reasons and those were included in this study. Among them 145 (%56) were female and 114 (%44) were male. Mean age was 11,1 (1-24) weeks. Obstetric and family histories of the infans and physical examination findings were recorded. Hip ultrasonography was performed and hips were classified for all infants according to the Graphs method. Treatment was started according to the ultrasound findings.
Results: The mean of alfa angle was 64,3° (40-79) and beta angle was 60,6° (40-80). The alfa angle was normal (>60°) in 436 (%84,2) hips. In 82 (%15,8) hips of 58 (%22,4) babies, alfa angle was lower than 60°. Treatment with pavlik harness was performed in 43 hips (%8,3) of 34 (%13,1) babies. Among all infants, 92 (%35,5) of them had features (physical examination finding, family or obstetric history) which may be related with hip dysplasia. In physical examination 71 (%27,4) infants had abnormal findings but only 16 (%6,2) of them had dysplasia.
Conclusion: The rate of dysplasia in infants with abnormal findings was similar to the ones without abnormal findings. This made us think about the importance of universal screening.
Key words: Hip, dysplasia, ultrasonograhy, incidence