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Case Report

SETB. 2011; 45(2): 56-59

The role of perinatal ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of fetal ovarian cyst torsion

Alper Özel, Recai Duymuş, Aysel Bayram, Emin Çakmakçı, Nihat Sever, Zeki Karpat.


Fetal ovarian cysts constitute an important part of the abdominal pathologies in female fetuses and are usually unilateral. The majority of these cysts are small and asymptomatic, and because they mostly could resolve spontaneously they pose no clinical threat. However, the diagnosis of large cysts is important because they may need surgical intervention due to the complications such as torsion, bleeding and rupture. Here, we present the ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging findings of hemorrhagic torsion of an ovaian cyst in an infant that was firstly detected by antenatal ultrasound of an 30 year-old pregnant woman.

Key words: Fetal ovarian cyst, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging

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