The purpose of this study was to analyze moroccan regulations on bioequivalence studies and compare them with some international guidelines. It emerged that, as most common guidelines, moroccan regulations treated essential questions relating to the conduct of bioequivalence studies while remaining general. Aneffort to harmonize the Moroccan regulations as closely as possible with international guidelines such as EMA and WHO was made. The decree 2-12-198 on bioequivalence studies includes worldwide gold standards such as inclusion and exclusion criteria, study design, choice and number of subjects, conduct of the study, pharmacokinetic parameters, BE acceptance criteria and biowaiver requirements. It specifically addresses issues such as pro-drug, metabolites, urinary samples, and endogenous substances. Specific precisions such as the case of the modified release forms, the replacement of subjects on the withdrawal or drop-out of a volunteer are not covered by this general decree and should be part of new directives, in the future. For an emerging country, the integration of Biopharmaceutics Classification System biowaivers within the decree confirms the efforts being made by the Moroccan regulations to join the most advanced guidelines on the investigation of bioequivalence and to prepare the International Conference on Harmonisation ICH M9 adoption.
Key words: Bioequivalence studies, generic drugs, regulation, guidelines, Biowaivers, Morocco