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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 3860-3868

“Aspeculative Study Of The Procedural Mandates For Organic Farming Certification In Maharashtra”

Prof. Sunita Kharate, Dr. N. R. Zaware.


Health, immunity, nutritional food, and hygienic habits these words are no fancier but a necessity, everybody will agree after the outbreak of Covid-19 Pandemic. Importance of healthy eating has become an integral part of life no matter what life style consumers are following to stay fit and fight with the health hazards like pandemic. When we say healthy and nutritional food organic food products are best choice. Organic products are chemical free, naturally grown products using organic farming procedures. On global level the awareness of organic product has significant benefit behind the growth of this sector. When it comes to India agriculture contributes as second largest profitable sector after service sector being on first position. The role of farmers and farming practices plays a very crucial role in the growth of organic food sector as food grows on farms only. Proper certification of organic farming from authorities will help farmers as well as organizations to build trust and credibility in customers mind. The study focuses on the status of total organic certified farmers and the major crops under organic farming in Maharashtra India; thispaper investigates the mandates of organic farming certification in Maharashtra India.

Key words: Organic Farming, Organic Certification, Organic Crop, Maharashtra.

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