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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 708-716

Developing electronic teaching materials through comic mathematics media to increase student learning independence during the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia

Rida Fironika Kusumadewi, Amos Neolaka, Mahmuddin Yasin.


This study aims to (1) obtain a product which is an electronic teaching material through valid mathematics comic media and (2) provide an appropriate description of the implementation of the use of teaching materials on the learning independence of elementary school students. This research method is Research and Development (R and D) which is carried out by adapting and combining the research and development of Borg and Gall and the Instructional Development Model (MPI). The stages in this development consist of preliminary studies, development, validation, testing, and implementation. The data collection technique uses an online questionnaire taking into account the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic. Based on the results of expert validation and field testing, this digital-based teaching material product is proven valid (material and graphic design) to be used in learning and is effective in increasing student learning independence. The teaching materials developed in this study are highly recommended to be used and utilized by students, teachers, and lecturers.

Key words: teaching materials, electronics, mathematics, comic media, pandemics

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