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Chemical Composition and antioxidant studies of underutilized part of Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) fruit

Abdul Rohman.

Cited by 27 Articles

Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L) is one of Indonesian fruit with export commodity due to its sweet-sour and pleasant taste. The pulp of this fruit is frequently consumed freshly, while the seed and peel are removed and become a waste. The chemical components contained in mangos teen’s seed and peel, especially xanthones, have been reported as antioxidants either in vitro or in vivo. Several traditional medicine products used the extracts of mangosteen as one of its components, therefore, the characterization of mangosteen extracts through identification of its active components are very important. This review article highlighted the updates on the characterization and antioxidant activities of mangosteen’s seed and peel to prove that the wastes of mangosteen fruit could be advantageous to be developed as functional food as antioxidants. Several databases have been used during performing this review including PubMed, Scopus, Biological abstracts, chemical abstracts, and Google Scholar.

Key words: mangosteen’s peel, antiradical, underutilized part, in vitro antioxidants, xanthones, DPPH.

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