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Original Research

SETB. 2014; 48(1): 22-6

The assesment of the postoperative changes in patients have undergone reduction mammaplasty with USG and MRI

Ayşe Sanem Fıratlıgil, Arzu Akçal, Semra Karşıdağ, Selami Serhat Şirvan.


Objective: Our study aimed to investigate the roles of ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging in postoperative screening of patients who have undergone reduction mammaplasty.
Material and Methods: The patients included the study were examined clinically and radiologically on the postoperative 6th months.
Results: In USG imagings, skin thicknesses were increased and locule fluid were accumulated in all patients. Also in MR imagings, parenchyma distortion, asymmetry, focal fibrosis, postoperative locule fluid accumulation and fat necrosis were the most screened findings.
Conclusion: In the literature review, there is no study which asseses the changings occur in breast tissue. With high resolution ultrasonography, the difference of benign or malignant characteristic of lesion can be made even in a very small lesions. In our study we did not find any superiority of MRI to USG. When the the cost were considered into account, USG might be more advantageous.

Key words: Ultrasonography, magnetic resonance imaging, reduction mammaplasty

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