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Review Article

NMJ. 2013; 2(1): 02-11

How to read a CT scan of a patient with traumatic brain injury?

Amit Agrawal.


CT brain is an integral part of the investigations in any patient of cranio-cerebral trauma in emergency room. It is an extremely useful diagnostic tool that is used routinely in the care of trauma patients. With an increasing role of dental experts in the management of craniofacial trauma patients it is anticipated that it would be helpful to know how to read a CT scan of a suspected traumatic brain injury patient in an emergency department. It is important to recognize and familiarize with the normal appearance of different anatomical parts of the brain on CT scan (Cerebral, cerebellum, brain stem, ventricles and skull bones etc.). It has been suggested that even a brief educational effort can provide considerable proficiency to interpret cranial CT scans. The present article discusses the basic s of CT scan and provides a pictorial presentation of commonly seen intracranial lesions in patient with traumatic brain injury.

Key words: CT scan, traumatic brain injury, skull fracture, head injury

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