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Effects of Eurycoma longifolia Jack on chronic cerebral hypoperfusion-induced oxidative damage and memory deficit in rats

Hulol Saleh Alruhaimi, Ahmed K. Allow, Zunariah Buyong, Muhammed Naser, Shaikh Mizanur.

Cited by 2 Articles

Decreased cerebral blood supply, which is associated with dementia, results in chronic cerebral hypoperfusion (CCH), a physiopathological mechanism of neural dysfunction in Alzheimer’s disease. Eurycoma longifolia has been documented to have multiple biological activities. The current study aimed to determine the potential effect of Eurycoma longifolia root extracts in CCH using a 2-vessel occlusion (2VO) model. CCH was induced by a permanent bilateral ligation of the common carotid arteries in male Sprague–Dawley rats. The experimental groups were divided as follows: a sham-operated group, a 2VO group without any treatment, and a 2VO group that was orally administered Eurycoma longifolia (EL) extract (100 mg/kg/day) for 3 days before the day of 2VO surgery and continued until the end of postoperative week 8. Spatial memory performance was assessed by the Morris water maze test. Moreover, malondialdehyde concentration and superoxide dismutase activity, glutathione level, and C-reactive protein concentration in serum were measured. CCH rats showed significant cognitive impairment, decreased antioxidant activities, and increased malondialdehyde and C-reactive protein concentration in serum. The group that was orally administered Eurycoma longifolia extract showed a slight preservation of cognitive function, enhanced antioxidant activity, decreased malondialdehyde and C-reactive protein concentration than did the untreated 2VO group. Eurycoma longifolia offer potential neuroprotective effects due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Key words: Tongkat Ali; Chronic cerebral hypoperfusion; Oxidative stress; Spatial learning and memory, oxidative stress.

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