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Review Article

AJVS. 2019; 62(1): 1-16

A Review: Obstetrical Emergencies in Small Ruminants

Khan Sharun,Güneş Erdoğan.


Obstetrical emergencies are common in small ruminants and requires immediate intervention to prevent the mortality associated with it. The activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal function of fetus is initial step in the parturition process in the small ruminants. Dystocia is the most common obstetrical emergency of small ruminants, which can occur due to either maternal or fetal causes. Ring womb/incomplete cervical dilation was found to be the most common maternal cause resulting in dystocia. Among the fetal causes of dystocia, fetal maldisposition was found to the prominent cause. Different authors report several unusual cases of dystocia. This included rare conditions like congenital polycystic kidney disease, fetal ascites, facial dysmorphism, rhabdomyoma, arthrogryposis, hydrallantois, fetal goitre, uterine adhesion, secondary abdominal pregnancy, ventral abdominal hysterocele, and prepubic tendon rupture. Thus, the objectives of this review are to identify and analyse the common and rare obstetrical emergencies of small ruminants. This review also describes guidelines for diagnosing and managing such obstetrical emergencies.

Key words: Obstetrical Emergencies, Dystocia, Small ruminants

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