Purpose: In this study, we evaluated retrospectively , prognostic factors and treatments of testicular post-operative -cancer patients, who were followed up in our clinic, between the years of 2004-2006 Material and Methods: 38 patients who followed up for more than 6 months, were evaluated during 3 years period. Results: 18 patients (46.4%) were seminoma, 20 patients (53.6%) were nonseminoma. 12 of seminomas were stage I and 6 of were stage II. 8 of non- seminomas were stage 1, 5 of were stage II, 5 of were stage III. 2 patients were lymphoma. Patients with lymphoma was given 6 cycles of CHOP chemotherapy. Radiotherapy was given 25 Gy , Co60 units for 13 patients with seminoma using paraaortic fields. Non seninoma patients were given 3-4 cycles BEP chemotherapy. Grade 1-2 nausea was seen in patients who was given radiotherapy. 3 patients who were given chemotherapy developed ,grade 2 hematologic toxicity. Pulmoner toxicity was seen 1 patient. Overall survival 26.6 months, and median survival 27 months for seminoma patients, and 19.2 months, median 18 months for nonseminoma patients. 2 years survival rates for seminoma patients is 94%, for nonseminoma patients is 78%, 3 years survival rates for seminoma patients is 85%, nonseminoma patients is 63%. Conclusion: Seminoma is radiosensitive tumor, and earlystages- paraaortic radiotherapy is an effective treatment method. Nonseminomatous tumors invades hematologicaly,treatment choicie for this type of tumors is cisplatin- systemicchemotherapy
Key words: Testicular cancer, nonseminomatous tumors, radiotherapy, chemotherapy.