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Detection of missense and frame shift mutations in envelope proteins using molecular phylogenetic SARS-COV-2

*Noor R Abady, zaytoon A alkhafaji, Ali saleh Baay.


The envelope (E) protein, which is 76–109 amino acids long, is a structural viroporin identified in coronaviruses. On March 1, 2020, ten distinct E-proteins were selected out of a total of 50 at the general Health laboratory (Babil), and the partial E gene of SARS-CoV-2 genomes was sequenced and recoded in the GenBank with accession number MW827729, MW827730, MW827731, MW827732, MW827733, MW827734, MW827735,MW827736, MW827737, MW827738. The study looked for missense and frame shift mutations in the envelope proteins of different Covid 19 patients to determine the lineage of the direct envelope protein (SARS-CoV-2). A phylogenetic analysis of envelope proteins, which looks at sequence homology and amino acid conservation, provides even more evidence to the evolutionary origin. Frame-shift mutations were found in both the N and C terminals of the 10 known partial sequences of human SARS- COV2. genomes.

Key words: SARS-COV-2, E gene, Frame shift , missense mutation

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